Ayurveda & Yoga for Life in Balance

Initial Consultation

Detailed history taking, Systematic examination, Dosha (Biological elements) & Prakriti (Constitution) assesment, Nadi (Pulse) diagnosis, Ayurvedic herbal medicine prescription, Advise Ayurvedic therapies, Advise Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation.

Lifestyle Consultation

Detailed history taking, Dinacharya (Daily regimen), Rutucharya (Seasonal regimen), Dietary management, Dos & Don'ts for Wellbeing, Advise Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation.

Followup Consultation

30 min

It is after 2-4 weeks of Initial consultation, to review one's improvement and to advice further.

Online Consultation

We understand circumstances of people. Hence we offer online consultation over Video conference, Phone call & E-mails.

Ayurveda Medicine

Ayurvedic herbal medicine customized to suit individual, Tablets, Decoctions, Powders, Fermented extracts, Lehya (Jams), Ayurvedic recipes, Diet.


Body Detoxification
Vamana (Emesis)- 7 Days Therapy, Virechana (Purgation)- 7 Days Therapy, Nasya (Nasal therapy)- Varies from 3 / 5 / 7 Days Therapy, Anuvasana Basti (Oil Enema)- 3 / 5 / 7 Days Therapy, Niruha Basti (Decoction Enema)- 3 / 5 / 7 Days Therapy.

Abhyanga & Sweda

1 hr 30 min
Ayurvedic massage & Sudation
Abhyanga involves body massage with large amounts of warm oil.
Swedana is the process of inducing sweat with the help of steam, generated from medicated herbal decoctions.

Nasya (Nasal therapy)

30 min
Nasya is the inhalation of medicated herbal preparations, decoctions, oils, ghee etc to eliminate the morbid factors from the head and neck area.

Basti (Enema)

30 min
Anuvasana (Oil Enema) & Niruha Basti (Decoction Therapy)- Introduction of medicated oil or medicated decoction in to the colon through rectum.


1 hr
Ayurvedic Powder Massage
Udvartana is technique of massage with specialized coarse powders and strong strokes, they literally mobilize any excess fat around the body.


30 min
Ayurvedic Head Massage
Shiroabhyanga is a soothing massage of the head, neck & shoulder using warm herbal oils.


1 hr
A form of Ayurvedic therapy which involves, gently pouring medicated liquids over forehead.

Kati, Janu & Greeva Basti

1 hr | Deep tissue therapy
Kati Basti (Low Back Therapy), Janu Basti (Knee Join Therapy), Greeva Basti (Cervical Joint Therapy), Deep tissue therapy using heat to to heal & medicated oils to repair the tissue.

Pinda Sweda

1 hr
Patra Pinda Sweda- Ayurvedic massage done with warm medicated herbal oils & herb bags. Shashtikashali Sweda- Ayurvedic massage done with warm medicated herbs & rice bags. Valuka Sweda- Ayurvedic massage done with warm sand bags.


45 min
Ayurvedic unique procedure where medicated ghee is retained over the eyes for a specific amount of time.

Karnapurna (Ear Therapy)

30 min
Ayurvedic unique procedure of instilling medicated oils in the ears.


Please enquire with us to schedule timetable.


Please enquire with us to schedule timetable.

Ayurvedic Cooking

Prime aim of Ayurveda is to maintain health of a healthy person, for which one need to have a balanced food style. Learn to cook Ayurvedic recipes which has a reverence for whole nutritious food & health.
Please enquire with us to schedule timetable.

6 Malabar Court
Narre Warren South 3805
Cell- 0410 723 125

Dr Madhu

Ayurveda Practitioner , Lifestyle Consultant, Yoga, Meditation Tutor

Health Fund Rebates Available.
Please enquire for more.

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